Valentin Shopping Centre - Besançon (25)
Shopping gallery attached to the Carrefour Ecole-Valentin hypermarket
- 50 stores
- 6,700 sqm, of which 1,750 sqm of medium sized units
- 1,250 parking spaces
- Catchment area of 250,000 residents
The Valentin shopping centre constitutes one of the main retail facilities in “Le Grand Besançon”. It benefits from an excellent accessibility to the intersection of the A36, which crosses the catchment area from east to west, and the RN57, which crosses from south-east to north.
The enhancement of the shopping centre started in 2017 with the refurbishment of the inside of the shopping gallery and the existing facades, carried out jointly with Carrefour Property which owns the hypermarket, leader in the catchment area, in order to create a warm and modern environment. A second phase of works was delivered in 2020 and includes the redevelopment/extension of the gallery, wholly owned by MRM, together with the creation of an open-air roof car park.The shopping gallery’s total floor area has been increased to 6,700 sqm.