MRM is governed by a Board made up of six directors, two of whom are independants

The Board of Directors sets the strategic course for the Company’s business activities, oversees its implementation and controls the management of the company. The Board is assisted by an Investment Committee, an Audit Committee and a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.

Board members

  • Louis Bourrousse, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director, 
  • SCOR SE, Director, represented by Carole de Rozières
  • Altarea, Director, represented by Rodrigo Clare
  • Thierry Lacaze, independent Director
  • Valérie Ohannessian, independent Director
  • Karine Trébaticky, Director

Investment Committee

The Strategic Committee informs the Board of Directors of its opinions and recommendations/helps the Board of Directors with issues of investments and disvestments exceeding one million euros.

  • Louis Bourrousse, Chairman of the Investment Committee 
  • Altarea, Director, represented by Rodrigo Clare
  • Karine Trébaticky, Director

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee reviews the financial statements and is responsible for monitoring the process of preparing financial information, the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems, legal checks of the annual financial statements and the procedure for selecting the Statutory Auditors, the amount of fees paid to them and ensuring their independence.

  • Thierry Lacaze, Chairman of the Audit Committee
  • Valérie Ohannessian, independent Director
  • Altarea, Director, represented by Rodrigo Clare
  • Karine Trébaticky, Director

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Corporate Social Responsability Committee helps the Board of Directors by managing and coordinating the CSR approach of the Company and the extra-financial performance of its real estate portfolio.

  • Valérie Ohannessian, Chairman of the CSR Committee
  • Thierry Lacaze, independant Director
  • Altarea, Director, represented by Rodrigo Clare
  • Karine Trébaticky, Director


Downloadable documentation

12 December 2023

Internal rules of procedure of the Board of directors and of its committees (French version only) (pdf)

2 April 2023

MRM Articles of Association (French version only) (pdf)

07 June 2023

Remuneration policy for corporate officers (French version only) (pdf)